Movie Review: "From Up on Poppy Hill"

From Up On Poppy Hill; Source: Netflix

"From Up on Poppy Hill" is a charming and nostalgic animated film that transports the viewer back to 1960s Yokohama, Japan. Directed by Goro Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli, the film tells the story of two high school students, Umi and Shun, who become friends as they work together to save their school's dilapidated clubhouse from demolition.

The animation in "From Up on Poppy Hill" is breathtakingly beautiful, with a warm and rich color palette that perfectly captures the feel of the era. The attention to detail in the background designs is particularly impressive, with the film's depiction of Yokohama's bustling harbor and the quaint streets of the city creating a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era. The character designs are also lovely, with each character possessing a unique and memorable appearance that reflects their personality.

The film's soundtrack is another highlight, with a selection of upbeat and nostalgic songs that perfectly capture the film's tone. The music adds to the film's warm and inviting atmosphere, and the catchy tunes will stay with the viewer long after the film has ended.

The film's story is a sweet and touching coming-of-age tale that explores themes of friendship, family, and tradition. Umi and Shun's relationship is at the heart of the film, and their interactions are both heartwarming and genuine. As they work together to save their school's clubhouse, they learn more about each other's past and develop a deep bond. 

The film also explores the struggles of Japan in the aftermath of World War II, with the characters grappling with the tension between preserving their cultural heritage and embracing modernization. This tension is reflected in the central conflict of the film, as the students fight to save their clubhouse, which represents a link to their past, from being torn down in the name of progress.

The film's pacing is slow and deliberate, which may not be to everyone's taste. However, this deliberate pacing allows the viewer to fully immerse themselves in the world of the film and become invested in the characters' struggles. The film's gentle tone and lack of action may also make it less appealing to younger viewers, but older audiences will appreciate the film's subtlety and nuance.

Overall, "From Up on Poppy Hill" is a beautifully animated and emotionally resonant film that will appeal to fans of Studio Ghibli's previous works. The film's nostalgic atmosphere, memorable characters, and poignant themes make it a must-see for fans of animated films and coming-of-age tales. While the film's slow pacing may not be for everyone, those who give it a chance will be rewarded with a touching and heartfelt story that stays with them long after the credits roll.


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