What does ‘Impact Communication’ mean?
The term ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin word ‘communis,’ which means common. Therefore, communication is defined as an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions, or emotions to create mutual understanding. It is the sum of all things one person does in order to create understanding in the minds of the other. The smallest meaningful unit of communication between people is conversations. Conversations are rarely boring with deep listening. There is every opportunity to learn something you did not know. Even the conflict that ensues with opposing viewpoints is teachable: you sharpen your own viewpoint.
Now, communication is the key ingredient that sets us, human beings apart from all the other animals. The human ability to communicate at a very sophisticated level has enabled us to build civilizations and to develop advanced technologies. Of course, technology has increased incrementally since then and there have been huge leaps in communications technologies, such as the Internet, which in-turn has altered the way people communicate.
Modern communications, today, has some advantages, which include convenience, speed, dissemination, etc. However, it cannot be argued that it becomes difficult to garner the attention of any audience due to the abundance of such a huge number of ‘voices.’ One needs to set themselves apart and create an impact in order to be remembered. ‘Impact Communications’ would then be defined as any type of communications that facilitates change in the listeners. It affects them, resonates with them, and drives them to either think differently, or transform their behavior.
Impact Communication can also be described as communications with a purpose. It doesn’t just include speaking, but also listening; because listening leads to understanding, and once you’ve understood the other person’s needs or wants, you can deliver your own message to them clearly. However, just because you want to impact or influence an audience does not mean you can say whatever they wish to hear. ‘Impactful Communications’ must always be certain, honest, authentic, and believable.
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